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CAT in Greece


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CAT has a long history in Greece. The first Greek CAT therapists were trained in London by Tony Ryle and his colleagues. This was in the early 90s when the Greek therapists were working at Guy’s Hospital in London.

Returning back to Greece they established two training centres, one in Thessaloniki and the other in Patras. The training centre in Thessaloniki is connected with the Greek NHS and evolved rapidly, training more than sixty psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and psychiatric nurses in CAT and engaging in a substantial number of research projects. The training centre in Patras has been also very active, training more than forty health professionals in CAT.


In the beginning of 2012 the establishment of the Panhellenic Association of CAT (HellasCAT) finally took place in Patras. Twenty-seven health professionals from all over Greece signed the charter and became the founding members of our association. Today HellasCAT has more than 60 members.

The establishment of HellasCAT gave a boost to the expansion of CAT in our country and the support of ICATA was of great value in achieving this goal. A site has been created ( that contains all necessary information about CAT in Greece.

In September 2015 we were very excited to welcome the international CAT community to Patras for the 6th   International ICATA conference in Patras. As well as being a wonderful opportunity to engage with CAT colleagues from around the world it helped to expand CAT even further in Greece.


According to our constitution there are two levels of training in CAT in Greece. The first is Associate member 0f HellasCAT  which is equivalent  to “CAT skills training” and the second is Full member of HellasCAT which is equivalent to “CAT Therapist”.


In addition to the two original training centres in Thessaloniki and Patras we now have two groups of trainees in Athens, one of psychiatrists and the other of psychologists and the plan is to expand CAT training in Athens on a permanent basis.


A variety of seminars, workshops and lectures are organized every year both in Patras and Thessaloniki.  Research projects are done and presented, mostly by the Thessaloniki group. The Greek CAT community is present at most psychiatric and psychological congresses and conferences.


Supervision is done either on a personal basis or in groups and supervisors are drawn from the more experienced therapists in Greece.


In a recent annual meeting we decided to change our constitution to include the following modifications:

In core trainings;

  • There will be more teaching hours of theory of CAT and related theories.

  • We will ask trainees to write an essay and a case presentation when they apply for membership in HellasCAT.

  • Individual therapy will be required.

Additionally we will;

  • Establish training courses for supervisors.

  • Ensure we conform to the ICATA standards.

Official Website

ICATA Member Association:

Panhellenic Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy

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